Lightbox: originally used ‘Lighbox Gallery’ but the image numbers clashed with the titles.
Dec 2016. Changed to ‘Simple Lightbox’
Featured image size – has to look good on Home page. The height : width ratio of these 6 images is 0.557. If the ratio is greater the image is cropped to make it narrower. So always take a landscape image that’s not too skinny.
2003: Marion
2004: Bill
2005: Marilyn
2007: Les
2008: Jessica
2010: Bill
2011: Jessica
2012: Wendy
2013: Ivor
2014: Wendy
2015: Clare W
2016: John Crane
2017: Bill
2018: Marcus
2019: Sue
2020: Marion
2021: Marcus
2022: Jenny
2023: Carol
2024: Sue